Saturday, February 03, 2007

Some newly learned advice and what I miss from America

First of all, anyone who is thinking about coming to Budapest for the BSM program, or really any form of study should BRING THEIR OWN SCHOOL SUPPLIES! We went to buy notebooks and such earlier today and it was a very taxing experience. First of all, their notebooks are 70 pages max, and are either wide ruled, so narrow ruled writing on the lines would be impossible, or graph paper. Most Europeans take notes on graph paper, and I'm sure I'd love the system if I was used to it, but for now, I'm sticking to my own system. Also, pocket folders don't really exist. There aren't pockets in any binders or notebooks, and their version of "folders" are rather like fold out boxes in which papers can be placed and then protected by a cover. The fantastic BIC pens and pencils are not available; you must buy pens and pencils basically one at a time. To wrap it all up, 6 notebooks, six folders, six pens, and six pencils cost me around 35 dollars. Again, just remember to bring your own school supplies because it's a pain here!

Now, we've been compiling a list of things we miss from the United States. We love this city so much that we feel like we need to keep in touch with what we like about America so we won't be miserable when we have to leave. So, here goes he list of things to appreciate from America.

**Diet Coke (they only have Coke Light which is much different from Diet Coke)
**Clothes Dryers (everything must hang dry)
**English (pretty self-explanatory)
**Public Restrooms that don't cost money
**Waiters who bring you the check in a restaurant rather than the customers having to ask for it
**Peanut Butter
**Refills on tap water
**cheap cell phone service
**Skim Milk
**Easy internet connections
**Abundant Mexican Restaurants
**American clothes sizes
**Safety and Fire regulations
**sound-proof glass and walls
**No smoking sections
**shower curtains (you have to be creative with shower-taking methods or else the bathroom will flood)
**Being on the same time zone as parents and friends
**TARGET! I wish I could count how many times I say "I need a Target!"

That's a pretty comprehensive list as of now. Enjoy American luxuries!

1 comment:

Bronson said...

Wow, Hungary sounds like Mexico (except for the abundance of Mexican restaurants)! I really miss peanut butter as well, and no one drinks Mountain Dew. Can you flush toilet paper there? And does everyone drive the old Volkswagen Beetle?